Sanborn Head Announces 2025 Leadership Changes

Photos of five recently named executive leaders at Sanborn, Head & Associates, Inc. L to R: Jennifer Sanborn, PE; Carolyn Silverthorn, MBA; Heather James, PE; Tricia Pinto, PE, LSP, LEP; and Julie Scott, PE.

Bedford, NH – Sanborn, Head & Associates, Inc. (Sanborn Head) announced the following leadership changes which take effect in January 2025.

“We congratulate these leaders for their commitment to our collective success and for the many ways they put Sanborn Head’s cultural values into action,” said Barret Cole, President and CEO. “A hallmark of being a generational company is that we can celebrate transitions of leadership that sustain excellence while bringing new perspectives and opportunities to the organization.”

Sanborn Head announces the following leadership changes for 2025:

Jennifer Sanborn, Vice President of Talent, and Carolyn Silverthorn, Senior Vice President of Finance, will join the Executive Committee, contributing important perspective on the human resources and financial management aspects of the business.

Jenn and Carolyn join President/CEO Barret Cole, Senior Vice President of Client Services Dori Ross, and Executive Vice President/COO Matt Poirier on the firm’s Executive Committee for 2025. Julie Scott will become the Industrial market team leader in January as Russ Abell, who has served in the position since 2017, transitions out to focus on project work for clients.

“We thank Russ for his leadership and commitment to the people, clients, and projects that comprise this service area. Julie, who has been working closely with Russ over the past year, is looking forward to continuing to evolve our geosciences practice and creating opportunity for our people, while also focusing on the firm’s longstanding commitment to technical excellence and responsive client service,” Sanborn Head said in a statement.

Heather James was elected to Sanborn Head’s Board of Directors for a three‐year term as an…

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